Rectal cancer is a tough diagnosis that deeply affects patients and their loved ones. In Ahmedabad, Dr. Harsh Shah is providing one of the best robotic rectal cancer surgery. With over 15+ years of experience in treating rectal cancer and many years of expertise in Robotic Surgery. He is also known for leading the best rectal cancer hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and across India.
11750+ Patients have been successfully treated
15+ years of work experience
as a rectal cancer specialist
24+ Awards received by Dr. Shah for her achievements
Management of Colon cancer involves proper diagnosis & early treatment
Diagnosis is performed with CT scan, MRI, colonoscopy, biopsy & CEA.
The treatment involves chemoradiation & surgery, depending on the extent of the disease.
Symptoms of Rectal Cancer:
⦿ Changes in Bowel Movements: You might notice diarrhoea, constipation, or a change in how your stool looks, which lasts for more than a few days.
⦿ Blood in Stool: Seeing bright red or very dark blood in your stool could indicate rectal cancer.
⦿ Ongoing Stomach Discomfort: This could feel like cramps, gas, or pain in your abdomen.
⦿ Feeling Like You Can’t Empty Your Bowel: Even after going to the bathroom, you might feel like you still need to go, but it doesn’t help.
⦿ Feeling Very Weak or Tired: If you’re feeling unusually weak or tired without any clear reason, it could be a symptom.
⦿ Losing Weight Without Trying: If you’re losing weight and you don’t know why, it could be due to various health issues, including rectal cancer.
Rectal cancer is typically staged using the TNM system, which stands for tumor, lymph nodes, and metastasis. The stages of rectal cancer are as follows:
Stage 0 (Carcinoma in Situ): Cancer cells are only in the rectum’s innermost lining.
Stage I: Cancer has penetrated the rectum’s inner layers but hasn’t spread to lymph nodes or distant sites.
Stage II: Divided into IIA (cancer has spread through the muscle layer of the rectum) and IIB (cancer has spread to the rectum’s outermost layer) but hasn’t reached nearby lymph nodes or distant organs.
Stage III: Cancer has invaded one or more lymph nodes near the rectum. It may be subdivided based on the extent of lymph node involvement and whether cancer has penetrated the rectum’s walls.
Stage IV: Cancer has spread to distant organs, most commonly the liver or lungs. This stage is also subdivided based on the extent of the spread.
Staging for rectal cancer are as follows:
Treatment options for rectal cancer:
Chemotherapy: This treatment employs drugs to eliminate or halt the growth of cancer cells. It can be administered before or after surgery to remove any remaining cancer cells or to reduce the risk of the cancer returning.
Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer: This method uses high-energy radiation beams to destroy cancer cells in the rectum. It’s commonly used in combination with surgery and chemotherapy to improve outcomes.
Surgery: Surgery is usually the most effective treatment for rectal cancer. It involves removing the tumour and nearby lymph nodes. The extent of the surgery required depends on the cancer’s stage and location. It is usually performed after chemoradiotherapy.
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Types of Surgery | Description | Benefits |
Open Surgery | Involves a large incision to remove the tumor | Allows for direct access and removal of large tumors |
Laparoscopic Surgery | Uses small incisions and a camera to guide the surgery | Less invasive, with smaller incisions and shorter recovery times |
Robotic Surgery | Keyhole surgery | Less Pain, Less hospital stay, Early recovery |
Better View (3D, 10x, HD) | Less blood loss, Better nerve preservation | |
Flexible Instruments | Enhances Precision, Enhances Accuracy, Early functional recovery |
Go for Dr. Harsh Shah for best skills in robotic cancer surgery, especially with the Da Vinci System, making surgeries accurate and quick to recover from. His advanced Robotic Surgery Centre is available in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.